ASHLEY BROWN ~ “Victoria”
50mm, ISO 400, f2.0, 1/200sec
HELEN WHITTLE ~ “Teen pose”
ISO 50, f/2.8, 1/100s
HOLLY AWWAD ~ “By the Window”
Nikon 28-75 @40mm, f 2.8, ISO 1000, 1/250s
KENNON GUERRY ~ “Everett in a Vase”
Sigma Art 35mm, f/3.5, I/500 sec, ISO 800
Canon 5d Mark 4, 1/640, free lensed
JONI BURTT ~ "I can be anybody"
35mm, f/2.5, 1/100
DAVE BROSHA ~ “Summer Dreams”
ERIN FALKENHAM ~ “Corinne of Cruit Island”
23mm, f 2.0. ISO 200, 1/500s
DEVON HALL~”Lost in The Desert”
35mm, f/2.5, ISO 250, 1/640s