DORENE HOOKEY ~ “Peri Has Entered the Chat”
IG: @dorenehookey
DAVE BROSHA ~ “Untitled”
IG: @davebrosha
JARA HILL ~ “And/Both’
35mm f/3.5, 1/125 sec, ISO 2500
IG: @jarahill_
KENNON GUERRY ~ “Ask the Brain”
35mm, f/3.5, 1/200 sec, ISO 1600
IG: @pkguerry
ASHLEY BROWN ~ “‘Coffee In The Nook’
50mm, f2.8, ISO800, 1/500s
IG: @ashleyhfx
ERIN FALKENHAM ~ “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?”
35mm, f2, ISO 640, 1/640s
IG: @erinfalkenham
IG: @imagesbylisawarren
JONI BURTT ~ “ A Blur of Happiness’
f/3.2, ISO 100, 1/640
IG: @joniburtt
JENNY RUSBY ~ “Untitled”
IG: @jennyrusbyphotography